IPA: ʌndɪspjˈutɪd
- Universally agreed upon; not disputed
- Unchallenged and accepted without question
Examples of "undisputed" in Sentences
- But the Spaniards were not long left in undisputed possession of
- Chavez has been elected several times, in undisputed elections by enviable majorities.
- The former Massachusetts governor's slow and steady approach has yielded victory in Iowa and New Hampshire and the title of undisputed frontrunner.
- Despite getting a reprieve from the Supreme Court, which allowed it to mine in undisputed areas, the company was again blocked by the local government.
- There is one aspect of the fighting on the eastern front which is definitely encouraging, and that is the inability of the German Air Force to win undisputed ascendancy over the Russian Air Force.
- According to official Washington, even today the country is stable: its government is in undisputed control of its borders; its police force and army are efficient and loyal; its people are well clothed, well fed, and well educated.
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