IPA: ʌndɪstˈɪŋgwɪʃʌbʌɫ
- Imperceptible; indistinct.
- Indistinguishable.
Examples of "undistinguishable" in Sentences
- Scharf call "Mayday" three times followed by some undistinguishable comment.
- I bet that it will be undistinguishable from the actual state when he gets alzheimer …
- My guess is that it will further evolve into an undistinguishable protestant religion.
- Her normal appearance is that of a normally attractive androgynous human woman of undistinguishable nationality or race in her mid 30s.
- This traveler made a further revealing comment, which pointed to the issue of distinguishing another undistinguishable population, Catholics.
- His last Tweet recommends a fatuous Robert Kaplan op-ed contending that the Muslim world is one undistinguishable agglutination of grievance.
- Some how we manage to blur several entire words into a 4 or 5 letter string of sounds undistinguishable by anyone who isn't from the south or know someone who can interpret,
- That dreadful region around Ypres and Albert we saw in undistinguishable ruins except for an occasional estaminet, or "pub", which seems to be the first thing to strike the green land that shows itself over the ruins.
- (Prelude 1805: 1. 331-32) that are not eternity, but the reflux upon an imagination still haunted by boyhood thefts (how rare to put the sound of undistinguishable to work in blank verse); or the luxuriously echoing redundancy of "heard the murmur and the murmuring sound" in the nut-tree grove (Nutting 37) that underscores epicurean boyish foreplay in the key of
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