IPA: ʌndʌvˈaɪdɪd
- Unified, whole
Examples of "undivided" in Sentences
- Give each telephone call your undivided attention, and don't brook any electronic interruptions.
- The Obama campaign is getting all confusing about whether or not Jerusalem should remain undivided.
- Barack Obama described Israel as "undivided" when speaking to a Jewish group but recanted the next day.
- -- Permit me, therefore, to call your undivided attention to the great objection, the great temptation of the day.
- Netanyahu welcomed the crowd of 1000 American evangelicals to Jerusalem, a city he described as the undivided, eternal capitol of the Jewish people.
- In June, Mr. Obama insisted on his first day as the presumptive Democratic nominee that Jerusalem should remain undivided as the capital of the Jewish nation.
- Jones, who when a young man had spent a good many years in a frontier town, was too accustomed to this method of punctuating one's remarks and calling the undivided attention of one's listener to them, to be much surprised.
- I was probably 10 or 11 at the time, and I flomped down on the couch one evening when a cup of tea, erstwhile sitting pleasantly on the armrest, leapt from its resting place in the ensuing compression wave and came to rest on my arm and stomach getting what I can only describe as my undivided attention.
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