IPA: ʌndˈɑgmˈætɪk
- Not dogmatic.
Examples of "undogmatic" in Sentences
- She has revealed the totalitarian temptations and shown us the strength of undogmatic humanism.
- I decided eventually that the main criterion as a judge was to be as undogmatic and open-minded as possible.
- * And at their better moments, formal prescriptivists are helpful, undogmatic guides to difficulties that they did not invent.
- This undogmatic commitment to an unfinished notion of freedom undercut her influence within the dominant socialist and communist organizations.
- And credit for his undogmatic approach is due in part, he thinks, to his former boss, the trail-blazing Dutch architect and urban planner Rem Koolhaas.
- I take a consciously undogmatic approach to this and pick out just a few significant examples, which I believe are characteristic of the forms of self-presentation we see nowadays.
- The book, put together by the Dutch hierarchy, was deemed so "undogmatic" and misleading that American Bishop Robert Joyce refused to give his imprimatur to an edition slated to appear in the U.S.
- At his best, and that is often, this transplated Englishman goes beyond impressionism to provide an undogmatic assessment of what Americans (indeed, people all over the planet) have done to the earth.
- But compared to other conservatives — especially the evangelicals who helped elect him and still dominate the GOP base — his record on social issues while in office was remarkably undogmatic, especially for his time.
- Judging by his students – who include Niall Ferguson, Andrew Roberts, Richard Overy and Orlando Figes – Stone must have been an inspiring and undogmatic teacher, a provocateur in the classroom but a supportive mentor outside.
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