
IPA: ˈʌndʒʌɫʌtɔri


  • That undulates, or that causes undulations

Examples of "undulatory" in Sentences

  • Newton, was developing another theory which is now known as the undulatory or wave theory.
  • The essential difference is indicated by that of their respective orgasms, the female undulatory, the male catastrophic.
  • The former, indeed, is a particular kind of sensation, but the latter is merely a vibrative or undulatory motion the air.
  • I need hardly point out, that we have evidence in favour of the hypothesis that light is due to some form of periodic wave motion in the Aether, the hypothesis being that known as the undulatory theory.
  • This consisted of a slice of cherry pie with whipped cream on top, an orange, a cup of coffee, and a poem by Baudelaire in which a woman dances so beautifully he compares her undulatory movements to a snake.
  • Some came from on high, like falling stars, but most moved among the trees a few feet from the ground with a slow undulatory motion, the fire having a pale blue tinge, as one imagines an incandescent sapphire might have.
  • For their chosen period of emphasis, Daston and Park challenge the traditional, linear historical narrative concerning the gradual naturalization of wonders, arguing instead that elite attitudes toward them were undulatory and sometimes cyclic.
  • An _undulatory_ shock consists of one or several waves, the movement to and fro being along a nearly horizontal line; a _subsultory_ shock of movements in a nearly vertical direction; while a _vorticose_ shock consists of undulatory or subsultory movements crossing one another in different directions.
  • Our road appeared to be undulatory, and our journey, like the journey of life, seemed to be a pretty regular alternation of up hill and down, and here and there it was diversified with copses and woods; the majestic Thames every now and then, like a little forest of masts, rising to our view, and anon losing itself among the delightful towns and villages.

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