
IPA: ʌndˈuɫi


  • Undeservedly; in a way that is not warranted.

Examples of "unduly" in Sentences

  • Of course, Doctor, if you find the word miracle unduly sectarian, we can substitute success.
  • Rest assured, by the way, that any comments you may post here that indulge in unduly coarse language will be deleted.
  • I don’t want them to sag, or to look funny, or to deviate unduly from the breasts of those women whom I find attractive.
  • Now customers are in a new stage of recovery for the rest, slogging through what some describe as an unduly arduous claims process.
  • "Ah!" exclaimed the Postilion with a slow nod, and drawing out the word unduly, "and talking o 'sheets and beds -- what about my second passenger?
  • A widespread sense prevailed that de Man's thinking posed, in unduly formalist fashion, the literary text against or outside of history rather than embedded in it.
  • Drawing attention to what he called unduly stringent time regulations and unstructured or inconclusive meetings, Ledger said not all interested parties had been given a chance to comment on the plan.
  • (d) to otherwise restrain or injure competition unduly, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years or to a fine not exceeding ten million dollars or to both
  • And although Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton yesterday blamed regulatory issues for the collapse of the deal, insiders have suggested that further improvements in the economic climate - and in Rio's financial position - since the scheme was proposed left Rio management feeling the terms unduly favoured BHP.

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