IPA: ʌndaɪnˈæmɪk
- Not dynamic.
Examples of "undynamic" in Sentences
- It's a fine drawing, but, like you said, totally undynamic.
- Also: Gwynedd should be our powerhouse, instead we're just tired and old and undynamic.
- And neither will the Euro, because the underlying economy that supports the Euro is creaky and undynamic.
- Yeah, enough with the crocodile tears from the Bush crime enabling undynamic duo of Feinstein and Rockefeller.
- While pretty, the choral writing is particularly undynamic making the Pärt later on the program sound like a Verdi chorus.
- May 15, 2008 at 10:19 am if we ever do a 'Top Worst Cover' list I'm nominating X-O #1...ugh...talk about mediocre and undynamic...
- The big problem was the Rachmaninoff, which in the hands of Bronfman, sounded rather undynamic while certainly technically admirable.
- My lasting impression of Richardson's site is that it's undynamic and lacking in the basic features that gives us insight into a candidate.
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