
IPA: ʌnˈɝnd


  • Not earned.

Examples of "unearned" in Sentences

  • Bet this gives them all a Big Chuckle as our money yet unearned is spent lickety Split!
  • Loyalty unearned is simply the husk of a notion developed to benefit the bosses in a feudal system.
  • "Sentimentality is often called the unearned emotion and intrusive carnivals of public mourning unsettle me," he said.
  • The proffer also details what it calls unearned real estate commissions paid by Rezko to Patti Blagojevich which was used to renovate their home.
  • The accusations also include tens of thousands of dollars in unearned commissions and unnecessary retainer fees diverted to Blagojevich's wife after he and his co-conspirators learned they were being investigated.
  • Suppose further that I have a family income from wages of, say, $250,000 and that I make around a million dollars a year in unearned income including stock dividends, capital gains on stocks, and other sources that are not wages I work for.
  • Let’s look a bit more closely at the scandulous ‘business’ of Bernie Madoff, confidence games, Ponzi schemes and other financial vehicles for funneling, accumulating and concentrating billions of dollars in unearned wealth into the hands of a tiny minority of people who comprise the top of the global economy.
  • WILLIS: Well, ok, what many people don't realize is that when a lender takes a home through foreclosure, even what's called a short sale, if the lender doesn't sell that house for as much as its worth, the consumer, the homeowner can actually be liable for taxes on the amount of what they call unearned income that happens when the sale occurs.
  • If I say "I think my taxes are too low" because that million a year in unearned income makes me the beneficiary of big tax cuts at the expense of people who don't have that kind of resources available, what does that have to do with your taxes, or with the taxes of a typical family earning $60,000 to $75,000 a year without big stock holdings generating capital gains and without big savings generating interest and dividends, etc?

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