
IPA: ʌnˈizi


  • (rare) Not easy; difficult.
  • Restless; disturbed by pain, anxiety
  • Not easy in manner; constrained
  • Causing discomfort or constraint

Examples of "uneasy" in Sentences

  • They trudged on in uneasy silence till surprised by an open door.
  • Lily watched her sister go in uneasy silence, the pruning shears still dangling from her hand.
  • Slightly more uneasy is Carole Gray as Cliff's romantic interest, partly because Cliff himself doesn't exude sufficient lust to match her.
  • They crossed the foyer and entered the chapel, walking past row after row of dark wooden pew, their surfaces polished by decades of pious asses squirming in uneasy silence.
  • The real reason why sexuality in the churches makes so many people uneasy is because it forces the churches to move into areas where traditional formulas and distinctions don't make things any clearer.
  • The other aspect of this that makes me feel a bit uneasy is the tendency for certain bestselling authors (living or dead) to have other people write their books and have them published under their own name.

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