
IPA: ʌnɪɫˈæbrʌt


  • Not elaborate; simple.

Examples of "unelaborate" in Sentences

  • It is the unelaborate magic of the Celtic temperament.
  • A cynic might find his unelaborate prescriptions almost reminiscent of Chauncey
  • In the following pages, the writer for the most part deals with small subjects in an unelaborate manner.
  • His writings, few and unelaborate as they are, have won admiring praise from the judges whose verdict is fame.
  • On the one hand is the plain style now in vogue, characterized by unadorned vocabulary, directness, unelaborate syntax, and earthiness.
  • This at once had the elements of a lie and the unelaborate truth; he couldn't see how his curiosity applied to him, and yet he was intent on its solving.
  • New York Times food writer Peter Meehan), struck me in a similar way: The recipes are organized from simple to knuckle-busters, but the process in which he arrives to the finished plate is appealingly unelaborate.
  • Since those quaintly simple and emphatic statements which, under the name of Froissart's Chronicles, seem to perpetuate the instinctive notion of History, as an honest and earnest, but unadorned and unelaborate narrative of military and political facts, -- not only has there been a continual refinement of style and enlargement of scope and art, but a greater complexity and subdivision in the historian's labors.
  • It is reasonable, necessary even, to begin with the Soul of the All. Notice that if we are to explain and to be clear, we are obliged to use such words as “entry” and “ensoulment,” though never was this All unensouled, never did body subsist with soul away, never was there Matter unelaborate; we separate, the better to understand; there is nothing illegitimate in the verbal and mental sundering of things which must in fact be co-existent.

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