IPA: ʌnɪɫˈæbɝeɪtɪd
- Not elaborated.
Examples of "unelaborated" in Sentences
- Thomas Jefferson wrote a flat unelaborated entry in his journal: "My mother died about 8 o'clock this morning, in her fifty-seventh year of age."
- In the case of Ms Jalalian, only some nebulous unelaborated charge of association with a banned Kurdish organization has been said to underpin her conviction.
- The markets, prices, important political and other events, private personal and unelaborated intelligence will come over the wires just as they now come over existing land lines.
- You may find it astonishing that historians and other scholars do not feel compelled to provide comprehensive replies to mere unelaborated suggestions left as comments on their blogs.
- He tossed in a classical allusion or two; here and there he left an Old Testament phrase to coruscate along the fringe of his text; he even called back one of his copy carriers, to revise an unelaborated figure of speech.
- However, these re-alignments in economic and social policy, whose impact on representations both political and aesthetic is profound, remain unelaborated despite important historical and literary scholarship over the last ten years.
- And for those who stay away from watermelon because of the sugar, the same experts tell us that citrulline and arginine can be beneficial for obesity and diabetes type 2 (not only because it may lead to sex, but for unelaborated physiological reasons too).
- Moreover, on this view, Spinoza would have taken the trouble to make explicit the PLMM Descartes 'rules require, only to justify it by a direct and unelaborated appeal to a groundless principle of inertia, which seems, on Descartes' understanding of it, quite inadequate to do the job.
- He adopts the _language_ of common life, because men hourly communicate with the best objects from which the best part of language is originally derived; and because, being less under the influence of social vanity, they convey their feelings and notions in simple and unelaborated expressions.
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