IPA: ʌnimˈoʊʃʌnʌɫ
- Showing little or no feeling.
- Reasoned and objective, involving reason or intellect rather than feelings.
Examples of "unemotional" in Sentences
- Online shopping will continue to grow from a low base, mainly in unemotional purchases.
- Dassey's statements to him about not being involved with "unemotional," Kachinsky said.
- If people are going flame as a way to compete, I’m going to out them, very plainly in unemotional language.
- It's also worth noting that, in the original pilot for Star Trek, the "unemotional" character was the female, "Number One," played by Majel Barrett.
- If you're told that your reservation has been canceled, make an "unemotional" appeal, citing matters like a crucial breakfast meeting scheduled at the hotel, he said.
- IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' see links below: Four Loko will now fuel cars; Chamber of Commerce calls for 'unemotional' talks on energy; Underground carbon capture and storage leaking, killing animals; GOP threatens EPA; U.S.
- Part of the claptrap assigned to masculinity in our white patriarchal middle-class-aspiring culture is that they be "unemotional", which in specific means that "real" males are allowed to exhibit only anger or anger-tinged vehemence as emotions.
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