
IPA: ʌnimˈoʊʃʌnʌɫi


  • In an unemotional manner.

Examples of "unemotionally" in Sentences

  • This applies in so many ways, like when we 'unemotionally' serve our mate, or battle with cancer, or pick up the trash on the street …
  • Screws, bracing anchors and neural relays are inserted efficiently and unemotionally in the most delicate and life-threatening places.
  • As evidenced by the thunderous reaction, his comments provided a salve to mourners, but when viewed unemotionally, his words were misleading at best.
  • The Victorian period of grief came to a close when World War I forced Americans to accept death proudly and unemotionally so as not to undermine the war effort.
  • And so, the man at the center of the film and the company had to play the game just as effectively and unemotionally as any corporate raider or CEO fighting on the front line.
  • So, the next time your child-teen or tween wants to avoid school or a party for an unclear reason you should feel good about swooping right in and asking more questions -- gently, indirectly, and unemotionally.
  • When I return, let´s talk unemotionally of the standards of cleanliness of Mexican food and water purveyors and the foreigners who consume their products publicly extolling their virtuous lack of concern for the subject.

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