
IPA: ʌnɛmfˈætɪk


  • Not emphatic

Examples of "unemphatic" in Sentences

  • He asked, making his voice unemphatic, hardly interested:
  • The unemphatic versions are I shall, you will, he will, etc.
  • This had some quiet patches – a pigeon dish that was a little unemphatic, lamb that also seemed polite – but at its best is truly exceptional.
  • For those few years Joy and I feasted on love, every mode of it – solemn and merry, romantic and realistic, sometimes as dramatic as a thunderstorm, sometimes as comfortable and unemphatic as putting on your soft slippers.
  • Mike D'Angelo at ScreenGrab: "For me, a little of this unemphatic, anti-dramatic naturalism goes a pretty long way - I'm still hoping for an entire movie by Hou as impassioned and beguiling as the lovely first section of his last feature, Three Times."
  • Far away, distant, beautiful, irrelevant, from out of a little cluster of secondhand bookshops, ecclesiastical residences, and the inns and incidentals of a decaying market town, the cathedral of Lowchester pointed a beautiful, unemphatic spire to vague incredible skies.
  • I hesitated, I saw nothing in her past to fit her for that work; but in a week or two she brought a translation of some heroic tale, what tale I cannot now remember, in the dialect of the neighbourhood, where one discovers the unemphatic cadence, the occasional poignancy of Tudor English.
  • Character and plot are stripped to the bone, the former presented to us entirely through mundane actions, with no attempt at "psychological realism" (thus we never really get to "know" Carver's characters, we just watch them wandering through their lives), the latter flattening out Freytag's triangle to an unemphatic succession of events.

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