IPA: ʌnɪmpɫˈɔɪmʌnt
- The state of having no job; joblessness.
- The phenomenon of joblessness in an economy.
- The level of joblessness in an economy, often measured as a percentage of the workforce.
- (countable) A type of joblessness due to a particular economic mechanism.
- (countable) An instance or period of joblessness.
Examples of "unemployment" in Sentences
- Stemming the rise in unemployment is another key goal.
- The recent rise in unemployment is particularly worrisome, Goldman indicated.
- The Nation's Unemployed Follow the change in unemployment from the beginning of the recession.
- While the absolute level of unemployment does have an impact on elections, the 1934 midterms show that change in unemployment is the more important number.
- The increase in unemployment is due to the auto makers and their many thousands of related industrial jobs that depend on the auto industry returning to fiscal stability.
- Bernanke asserted that the post-recession rise in unemployment is mostly due to "the sharp contraction in economic activity that occurred in the wake of the financial crisis and the continuing shortfall of aggregate demand since then."
- Interestingly if you actually read the latest Neumark & Wascher paper on the minimum wage -- rather then just the very misleading abstract -- you see that their latest research shows that the only group to suffer a rise in unemployment from a rise in the minimum wage are black teenager males.
- In Great Britain unemployment is most acute in those industries which were swollen to meet the demands of war, such, for example, as engineering, which catered for munitions, and shipbuilding -- in that group, and also in the group of industries most closely connected with the export trade, in cotton, textiles and shipping itself.