
IPA: ʌnɛnkˈʌmbɝd


  • Not burdened with worries, cares or responsibilities.
  • Free of encumbrance.
  • (of property) Not subject to any claims.

Examples of "unencumbered" in Sentences

  • How pleased he was to show me something he could describe as unencumbered!
  • I lack her physicality, but more than make up for it in unencumbered motivation.
  • Can the tired modernist fiction that the direct experience of the object must remain unencumbered by the frame of context really still be operative?
  • Virtually allowing 19 of militants known to be in the US to board airliners unencumbered is not intelligence when even Israels Mossad knew of the plan.
  • "The worker" under capitalism is implicitly defined as unencumbered by any obligations other than those to the job, and work is usually organized on the basis of this assumption.
  • So long as they remain "unencumbered" they can subsist on a comparatively small income and find freedom and leisure to watch for and follow opportunities of self-advancement; they can travel, get knowledge and experience, make experiments, succeed.
  • So what's happening is we have - as we talked about significant protection from our captives and stop losses in the future, that we will recognize, that we will have coming into our income statement in the forms of what I will call unencumbered premium.

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