IPA: ʌnɛndˈaʊd
- Not endowed.
- Lacking an endowment.
Examples of "unendowed" in Sentences
- How could she, an unendowed woman, replace such assistance?
- He might be proud of his possession, were she unendowed with any thing but that incomparable, unfading loveliness.
- The new Science was practically unendowed, it attracted few workers, and it was lost sight of during the decades of disaster.
- Forth and Clyde Canal; laboured as a weaver in several towns in the counties of Forfar and Kincardine; and conducted unendowed schools in various localities.
- Every body capable of forward movement would, if unendowed with sensation, perish and fail to reach its end, which is the aim of Nature; for how could it obtain nutriment?
- Beasts, which are destitute of our mental powers and acquirements; plants, which merely vegetate; stones, which are unendowed with sensation, are, in many respects, beings far more favored than man.
- To be sure, there are hundreds of less well-known, unendowed private institutions -- both for-profit and not -- that may be in worse financial shape than the schools that fell to the bottom of our rankings.
- There are few trades of the unendowed kind, for the workmen of such trades have to depend upon the generosity of their companions in the craft in the hour of need; and it is generally found more economical to pay a regular sum than to be called on at uncertain intervals for a donation; moreover, the respectability of the craft is better maintained.
- If the lower-class Irishman or Italian, unendowed with judgment to rightly use the little knowledge he already possesses -- to properly interpret his own feelings or guide his own impulses -- has not his church with its priestly control, he will have his secret-society with its secret executive control, its bovine fury, and its senseless pertinacity, the poison-bowl and the dagger.
- Released on bail, Lilburne, who from prison had issued an "Agreement of the Free People," calling for annual parliaments elected by manhood suffrage and the free election of unendowed church ministers in every parish, now published an "Impeachment for High Treason against Oliver Cromwell and his son-in-law, James Ireton," and declared that monarchy was preferable to a military despotism.
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