IPA: ʌnˈɛnɝdʒˈɛtɪk
- Not energetic; without energy.
Examples of "unenergetic" in Sentences
- The day that I got her she had just been de-wormed, so she was sick and lethargic and unenergetic.
- As it was, even that most unenergetic of young men, Dolly Longstaff, was moved to profound admiration.
- Fair enough cover by Bryan Hitch, but it seems a bit towards the nice unenergetic side, for two covers in a row now.
- Then Katrina and the emergence in the fall of an unenergetic, irritable, muted, unfocussed President, the man you see today.
- Opinions varied, but one prevailing sentiment seemed to be that the Caps' main issue is less with personnel and more with unenergetic play.
- Even the monthly Hadley CRUT3 plot is looking rather unenergetic in recent years, with a generally-sideways movement over the last 5 years.
- As a matter of course he would be there to hear the charge, but, almost equally as a matter of course, he would be languid, silent, cross, and unenergetic.
- It is a kind of unenergetic knowledge; an illumination, which shines mildly, but truly, clearly but faintly; and in hearts that cast many shadows upon themselves.
- For all these reasons the father was very anxious that his son should follow out the course for which he had been intended; but that he, being unenergetic and having hitherto done little for his son, should dictate to a young man who had been energetic, and who had done much for himself, was out of the question.
- The overweight should be given time off to see dieticians, that'll make the tubby more energetic; those who like a tipple and arrive at work with the odd unproductive hangover, well they could be sent to alcohol concern workshops; and the naturally unenergetic could be sent to the gym or doped with uppers to give them a bit more fizz; and. . .
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