IPA: ʌnɛnɫˈaɪtʌnd
- Not enlightened; ignorant in general or of some particular fact.
Examples of "unenlightened" in Sentences
- It's too bad we remain unenlightened by those who know the work of Eugene Ehrlich.
- She was brainwashed to believe she was "unenlightened" and an "unsaved fool" in the Catholic faith.
- Is it a case of political pandering that conveys the "semblance of piety" or a "sentimental nod" to the "unenlightened"?
- Tyler -- right; Rick Steeves -- always pizzing & moaning about "unenlightened" America -- the same country that let him freely do business travel & make millions.
- Initially the Indians were greatly attracted to the mission, but ample food and protection from enemies had to be measured against fatal epidemics of measles, the worldly attractions of the pueblo, and the free life of "unenlightened" brothers across the bay.
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