
IPA: ʌnˈikwʌɫd


  • Without equal; unmatched.

Examples of "unequalled" in Sentences

  • The second view ascribes it to the word Asama, meaning "unequalled" or
  • The Fresno Morning Republican called it "unequalled" to any hotel in the state outside San Francisco or Los Angeles.
  • Combine that with Key Date status within the most popular collected series of US coins, and you have a coin unequalled in both appearance and desirability.
  • It spoke of the difference of the two in the means and ends proposed, and of the trifling grievances of our fathers compared with the wrongs and sufferings of the slaves, which it forcibly characterized as unequalled by any others on the face of the earth.
  • In our times a politician who holds the office of supervisor of his town for a few years subjects himself to sufficient criticism and envy to blast his future political ambition, if he has any; but it was not so with Judge Ellis, whose record as an office-holder of the town of Dryden will doubtless always remain unequalled.
  • It was necessary to the transaction of the drama that from time to time the agents of the penny-chair company should go about in the close and collect money for the chairs; and it became a question, never rightly solved, how the ladies who had come unattended managed, with their pocketless dresses, to carry coins unequalled in bulk since the iron currency of Sparta; or whether they held the pennies frankly in their hands till they paid them away.

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