
IPA: ʌnɪsˈɛnʃʌɫ


  • Not essential.
  • Void of essence, or real being.

Examples of "unessential" in Sentences

  • We can recall the unessential, and we forget the fundamental.
  • Report Abuse FEDS tell all "unessential" government workers to leave Egypt.
  • If they're "unessential" what the he11 are they doing there in the first place.
  • Start cutting all other "unessential" government programs now, not waiting for next year.
  • Geld und Credit, I, 218.) 691 While the words _pecunia_, _danaro_, _dinero_, and _argent_, are all derived from unessential qualities, the German word for money,
  • After doing this for so long, I instinctively know the best way to enter and exit a scene, set up a passage of dialogue with beats and tags, avoid cluttering up a passage with unessential words.
  • I know many of us are up to our eyeballs in NaNo right now where extra words are a bonus, not a hindrance, but come Dec. 1 when we have to edit that bad boy, Kim Blanks list of unessential words will be a godsend.
  • It remains for someone who is an artist, a psychologist, and an expert in human limitations to tell us how far the unessential is a necessary means to the essential -- to tell us whether it is easy or difficult or impossible for the artist to destroy every rung in the ladder by which he has climbed to the stars.

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