
IPA: ʌnˈɛθɪkɫi


  • In an unethical manner.

Examples of "unethically" in Sentences

  • Should we not be equally ashamed when our government or companies act unethically in foreign countries?
  • Your freedom is not unethically constrained by being prohibited from invading or violating another ` s privacy.
  • The allegation was that Kosnoff had acted unethically in using information that had been obtained through misrepresentation.
  • Even more worryingly, only four out of 10 people disagreed with the suggestion that we should act unethically at times if it is in our national interest.
  • And I think that it's obvious now -- Jim just talked about the asymmetrical battlefield -- of how that's been established kind of unethically by Saddam Hussein.
  • Rather than kowtow to people who think values should stop at the border, it is time to make the case that a country should never act unethically, any more than a person should.
  • Von Bethmann denied that the peace terms as set forth in my book were his (he did not deny that they are the terms of the Junkers) and criticised me for "unethically" publishing an account of my experiences in Germany.
  • So, ethically, the labels ` back catalogue already belongs to the public and the labels shouldn ` t get a penny for it (given they ` ve been unethically granted the suspension of the public ` s liberty to share and build upon it).
  • Johannesburg-based Sunday newspaper Rapport this Sunday printed police allegations that the advocate, who was appointed to the position two years ago when the national peace accord made provision for the post, acted "unethically" and overstepped his mandate to remove corruption from the police service.
  • But, over the last thirty years banks have aggressively moved into riskier businesses like investment banking, securities trading and merchant banking which are intensely more competitive with much greater leverage and thus have much greater pressures to cut corners and act immorally, unethically and criminally to maximize profits and bonuses.

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