
IPA: ʌnɪksˈɛpʃʌnʌbʌɫ


  • Beyond reproach; unimpeachable

Examples of "unexceptionable" in Sentences

  • It is an observation, unexceptionable today, that fiscal policy affects the economy.
  • But as a RULE OF THUMB, the dictum is perfectly unexceptionable and modestly useful.
  • I said as much in my first comment on the matter, which I considered unexceptionable.
  • Yet later he admitted quantum mechanics doesn't contain any logical contradictions and is logically unexceptionable.
  • When you recall what most civilized climates are like, "unexceptionable," that cold and formal word, may well take your breath away.
  • … While we find no reliable data to measure the phenomenon, it seems unexceptionable to conclude some women come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained.
  • During the latter part of the term his conduct had not been by any means "unexceptionable"; but it was part of Gabrielle's queer policy of secrecy to hide any lapse on Arthur's part from her husband.
  • Timothy (though not having the name) exercised the power at Ephesus then, which bishops in the modern sense more recently exercised. blameless -- "unexceptionable"; giving no just handle for blame. husband of one wife -- confuting the celibacy of Rome's priesthood.
  • For its part, instead of an honest effort to give the country an independent anticorruption czar—an unexceptionable goal in itself, if only a partial solution to the problem—the government has raised extraneous issues such as caste and religious quotas in the proposed new body.

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