IPA: ʌnɪkspˈænsɪv
- Not expansive.
Examples of "unexpansive" in Sentences
- He was cold, distant and unexpansive in manner and had more followers than friends.
- On the contrary, our approach to them is narrowly utilitarian, unexpansive and without either awe or affection.
- He called himself unexpansive and unromantic; he confessed to small understanding, small veneration, for artistic effects.
- It would not have been logical to think that this cold unexpansive man was, in his heart, a patriot who felt Spain's decadence deeply and was seeking the means to revive her.
- And his physiognomy, though it might at first seem very grave, rough, and unexpansive, beamed with masculine kindliness whenever a smile revealed his teeth, which had remained extremely white.
- As he prefigured these new beings, the son was to exist chiefly for purposes of distinction and the dignity of heirship, and the paternal relations with him would be always somewhat formal, and, though affectionate, unexpansive.
- It has already been remarked, that even before the time of Solon the number of Athenians not included in the gentes or phratries was probably considerable: it tended to become greater and greater, since these bodies were close and unexpansive, while the policy of the new lawgiver tended to invite industrious settlers from other parts of Greece and Athens.
- Sophia, in the blackest of black weeds, started guiltily up from the volume of "The Corsair," in which she had been plunged, while Madeleine, without manifesting any surprise, rose placidly, laid aside her needlework -- a coarse flannel frock, evidently destined for charity -- and bestowed upon her sister and aunt an affectionate though unexpansive embrace.
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