IPA: ʌnɪkspˈɛktɪdnʌs
- The state of being unexpected.
Examples of "unexpectedness" in Sentences
- For me, the whole charm of this kind of art is its unpredictability, its unexpectedness.
- He waves his hand between us and I know that he is referring to the unexpectedness of our feelings for each other.
- I like it best of your tiles so far … it has a simplicity and elegance of composition, and the crystals in the blue glaze give it unexpectedness.
- So it degenerates into a species of word-juggleery that at first astonishes by its unexpectedness, then pleases by its dexterity, and finally offends by reason if its misplaced ingenuity.
- The delightful part of reading through the list of honorees is the unexpectedness of acknowledging both men and women for their contributions, and the fact that many of the names are both unpronounceable and unfamiliar.
- Never did Nature provide a more convenient resting-place for twin-glasses, than the ridge of Miss Thusa's nose, which rose with a sudden, majestic elevation, suggesting the idea of unexpectedness in the mind of the beholder.
- While Miss West was telling of the unexpectedness of the voyage, of how suddenly she had decided to come -- she accounted for it as a whim -- and while she told of all the complications she had encountered in her haste of preparation, I found myself casting up a tally of the efficient ones on board the Elsinore.