IPA: ʌnɪkspɫˈɔrd
- Which has not been explored.
Examples of "unexplored" in Sentences
- Some cartographers liked to label unexplored regions on their maps with fancy depictions of mythical beasts.
- NASA embodies the pursuit of knowledge in unexplored regions of the universe, as well as the universe of the mind
- NASA embodies the pursuit of knowledge in unexplored regions of the universe, as well as the universe of the mind.
- But those deposits remain unexplored as international law and opinion has hindered investment in the country's potentially vast natural resources.
- Our first portal into this world is ITWPathway. com: a 3D interactive online experience pushing the limits of the website medium in unexplored directions.
- Climate-change litigation is so new that legal experts have little idea how to handicap it; in unexplored areas of tort law, cases become pivotal only in hindsight.
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