
IPA: ʌnɪkstˈɛndʌd


  • Not extended.

Examples of "unextended" in Sentences

  • The best temporal analogy, he thinks, for this conception is an unextended instant or an “eternal now.”
  • Logically, whatever the source of these unextended endings, they must have once had no need for the indicative *-i.
  • As Princess Elisabeth, among others, asked Descartes: if mind is unextended and matter is extended, how do they interact?
  • But these have in common the feature of being unextended; extended entities such as lines, surfaces, and volumes prove a much richer source of
  • (P. 7φ) would be genuinely independent of (P. 7) unless it is assumed that every mereologically atomic entity should be spatially unextended, an assumption that has been challenged extensively in recent literature; see e.g. Markosian 1998a, Parsons
  • Leibniz's monadology exemplified both errors, for Leibniz thought that, merely by rationally considering the problem of the divisibility of matter, he could conclusively demonstrate that the basic constituents of the universe were unextended soul-like entities.
  • Let us merely recall that extension admits of degrees, that all sensation is extensive in a certain measure, and that the idea of unextended sensations, artificially localized in space, is a mere view of the mind, suggested by an unconscious metaphysic much more than by psychological observation.
  • Rather, the demonstration concerned something we did not see with our bodily eyes, but what we had in mind all along, understanding it to be a triangle, with perfectly straight edges, touching a perfect circle in three unextended points, which are all perfectly equidistant from the center of the circle.
  • Then, in the Sixth Meditation, having established, to his satisfaction, the mark of truth, he used the mark to frame a positive argument to the effect that the essence of mind is thought, and that a thinking thing is unextended; and that the essence of matter is extension, and that extended things cannot think (7: 78).

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