IPA: ʌnfˈæsʌnɪŋ
- loosening the ties that fasten something
Examples of "unfastening" in Sentences
- “You can start by unfastening the buttons down the back.”
- Tara wrestled with the rope holding the pentacle, succeeded in unfastening it.
- Seconds later, she felt his fingers gently unfastening the clasp on her necklace.
- “Mmm,” the king responded mildly, fastening and unfastening the catches on the curtained windows.
- The unfastening was a matter of very few moments, and then with the painter in hand he worked right beneath the cabin-window, when Mr Gregory slid down and joined him.
- After gently unfastening the elastic strap keeping his dearest musings safe from prying eyes, little literary artiste Evan Stansky penned a few more darling thoughts into his clothbound Moleskine notebook Wednesday.