
IPA: ʌnfˈæðʌmd


  • Of unknown depth.
  • Not explored or understood.

Examples of "unfathomed" in Sentences

  • Clearly he is throwing up obstacles to solutions, for some unfathomed reason (s).
  • His subject is not nature, “infinitely wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us,” but our relation to nature.
  • With blinded, tear-filled eyes she peered into that formless black and burning face and sensed in its soft, sad gleam unfathomed understanding.
  • The LDS church is a multibillion dollar corporate entity that has resources and international access unfathomed by most lay members and the general public.
  • Two fiddles sang out in unison—a wild, hectic reel—and it was as if a puzzle box was opening itself before his eyes, each note a key to an unfathomed existence.
  • Imagine if it were otherwise: that, for each succeeding piece, we dipped into a barrel whose depth was unfathomed, with no idea how many more pieces there might be still to come; that there were no way of identifying the frame-making pieces; that (consequently) we had no idea of its extent.
  • There are six of them in total, one hundred and fifty foot tall totemic spires of Growth Bone, Calcine, and Blossom Glass, bedecked on all sides with terraces, platforms and loggias, sun-bleached and standing to attention like nine pins spilt upon the desert or deep sea hydro-thermal vents rising from unfathomed depths.

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