IPA: ʌnfˈeɪvɝʌbɫi
- (American spelling) In an unfavorable manner.
Examples of "unfavorably" in Sentences
- [...] who now say they now view Palin unfavorably.
- "unfavorably" to the sublimely beautiful Michelle Obama.
- Symbols of the Religious Right, such as the Moral Majority and Jerry Falwell, were viewed unfavorably by most voters.
- She's already hurt our chances enough by comparing Obama to McCain unfavorably ( "lifetime of experience" vs "a speech").
- These results can also illuminate why, in Chapter 14, we saw that some religious groups are viewed unfavorably, specifically Muslims, Buddhists, and Mormons.
- Some of them are even top fashion models, but these too, I'm sure, would be compared "unfavorably" to Michelle Obama should they dare to stand in the same room as she.
- In a survey last week by the Democratic firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner, 12% of political independents had a favorable view of Mr. Boehner, compared with 56% who saw him unfavorably.
- The 15 Democrats, led by Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers Jr. of Michigan, sent the resolution to the House floor with an adverse recommendation, voting it "unfavorably" out of committee.
- Among Republicans, 23 percent viewed Wargotz favorably and 6 percent unfavorably, meaning that 71 percent of registered voters from his party don't know enough about Wargotz to have an opinion of him.
- Even though most Chinese continue to admire American culture and to like Americans, 57 percent of Chinese in a recent Pew poll said they viewed the country "unfavorably," for three main reasons: its arrogance, unilateralism and war in Iraq.
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