IPA: ʌnfˈɛðɝd
- Lacking feathers
Examples of "unfeathered" in Sentences
- Its pink, unfeathered flesh burning in the sunshine
- So the presence of beaks in unfeathered taxa is not a problem.
- The young Redtail hawks, who were still unfeathered, were devoured in their nests by the voracious bloodsuckers.
- The girls are all dissappointed by the mundanity of actual boys, and the boys are all feeling inferior with their unfeathered, sparkleless skin.
- Ruling on this day 01/21/2010 to allow national and multi nation corporations alike unfeathered finacial access into our already money flawed election system.
- Black vultures sometimes kill their own food (their weak talons mean that prey must be very small or weak) but both black and turkey vultures, having small unfeathered heads and hooked bills, are better adapted to a diet of carrion.
- After watching TV and reading french newspapers for many years now, I have noticed that in french politics there are only one retorical argument: Bill X Always with the world social in its title must be aproved because we cannot let the unfeathered markets decide on human happiness, children, the elderly,..
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