
IPA: ʌnfɫˈæpʌbʌɫ


  • Remaining composed and level-headed at all times; impossible to fluster; not becoming frustrated or irritated easily.

Examples of "unflappable" in Sentences

  • Senator Obama has been described as unflappable on the campaign trail.
  • If he think things are this urgent, well, then "unflappable" surely won't cut it.
  • He's just very unflappable, which is something which will stand him in good stead.
  • I have just been reading about St. Francis de Sales who was known as 'unflappable'.
  • MacFarlane says twisted sense of humor comes from family, namely his "unflappable" mother
  • The word unflappable has been used, correctly, and that puts him in contrast to the incumbent, who often seems not so much calm as insensate.
  • This campaign that during the bums rush period had the punditocracy cooing about "brutal efficiency" "unflappable" "on message" has since Nov 1 or so, come totally apart.
  • Why oh why oh why did the Yankees think it was wise to pay $82.5 million to this 34-year-old pitcher, who has proven himself so unreliable and ineffective that the mere mention of his name causes unflappable New Yorkers to seethe?
  • The Penguins 'coach, Dan Bylsma, says the level of hatred was so lacking as his team - which only the day before he had called "unflappable" - flapped badly against the Senators, that they had better find some by tonight's Game 2 in Pittsburgh.

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