
IPA: uŋgˈɑɫʌnt


  • Not gallant; ignoble, dishonourable, unvaliant.

Examples of "ungallant" in Sentences

  • I am so ungallant I didn't even know that was a thing.
  • Wii would nawt be so ungallant az to refuze yur hospitalitee…?
  • Even if our leader, appearing the same day, is a little ungallant:
  • Still, what could possibly have inspired this ungallant attack on Binoche, a sweet and, most would say, talented actress?
  • As a gentleman, I have to say that the mockery and derision directed at these unfortunate young ladies is ungallant and uncalled-for.
  • But there are laughs to be had, mainly at the dissonance between her acerbity and her – apologies if this sounds ungallant – bimbo-ish appearance.
  • Senator Edward Kennedy might have had some faltering starts, and did something ungallant when he was much younger, but he has spent the past 40 years since then atoning for that tragedy with the prolific legislation he has enabled for the American public.
  • But Im not sure theres any reason other than a desire for sales to tell us about a defeated candidates marital spats or to take such ungallant glee in trashing a woman with life-threatening cancer and an adulterous husband whose political career is now kaput.
  • Mr. Condit, a cold-blooded politician and defensive personality, who was revealed to be a serial adulterer, was not an especially sympathetic character; but while his denials of a sexual relationship with Chandra Levy were decidedly ungallant and untruthful, they were in no way conclusive evidence that he had murdered his recent girlfriend.
  • In a nutshell, that's us, Britain; that's how we live and survive - if we, as a people don't want to go to war, the Yanks will take us there nevertheless, because Cameron or Blair thinks that our best talents for survival is the ungallant course of mortgaging our souls and integrity and decency to the Yanks, and that we have no alternative choice or talents available to us in this awakening world.

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