
IPA: ʌnhˈɛzɪteɪtɪŋɫi


  • In an unhesitating manner.

Examples of "unhesitatingly" in Sentences

  • "Huahine," one of his sailors unhesitatingly named their island.
  • He will unhesitatingly employ any tactic to boost his profitability, even those marginally legal.
  • Some gasped with astonishment and delight, others were darkly suspicious, but all gave their word unhesitatingly to "forget it" while they were in camp.
  • With this pledge taken, I assume unhesitatingly the leadership of this great army of our people dedicated to a disciplined attack upon our common problems.
  • The minute she threw in the towel on her campaign she unhesitatingly endorsed Obama, campaigned for him, and repeatedly bombarded her supporters with emails and exhorted them in speeches to back Obama.
  • The violence continues to this day, with hundreds of thousands uprooted in May and June as Bashir's forces unhesitatingly crush any signs of dissent, the Field Marshall's unambiguous response to the Arab Spring.
  • Even if it could be shown that the teaching of all the chief Upanishads agrees in all essential points (a subject to which some attention will be paid later on), we should not on that account be entitled unhesitatingly to assume that the Sûtras set forth the same doctrine.

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