
IPA: jˈunʌfɔrmd


  • Dressed in a uniform.
  • In an occupation that requires a uniform, such as the police force or military.

Examples of "uniformed" in Sentences

  • It is an odd world indeed where you call the uniformed military leftist.
  • At this point, a librarian intervenes and calls the uniformed men aside.
  • Summerskill remained cool, cancelled all classes, but didn't call the uniformed police.
  • Why on earth are we pandering to these PACT priorities, which results in uniformed officers being reduced to litter pickers or dog shit scooper uppers?
  • It did not take great courage for Summerskill not to call the uniformed police, waiting off campus — just shrewdness and an awareness of the dialectics of over-reaction.
  • While all this was going on, the verger, if we may so call a uniformed gentleman in attendance, made himself busy in going from nurse to nurse collecting the baptismal garments.
  • The armed services don't make the rules, the Congress does and in the case of DADT, the rule is not counter gay, it is pro social order within the confines of this great experiment called the uniformed services.
  • This was the old fight between the army, who knew better, and the “rosewater dreamers” in the Indian office, who called their uniformed adversaries “butchers, sots determined to exterminate the noble redmen, and foment wars so they had employment.”
  • You hit all of the major talking point insults in your short post, e.g. you call those who oppose the bill "nutters"; you attack the oppositions 'intelligence with the term "uniformed" which is just a code word for stupid or ignorant; and you even work in the insulting term teabaggers into your rant.

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