
IPA: junʌɫˈætɝʌɫi


  • In a unilateral or one-sided way.

Examples of "unilaterally" in Sentences

  • Now, however, Obama says he doesn't believe in unilaterally reopening NAFTA.
  • Why, go to the UN and get an ultimatum and hope Hussein unilaterally defied it.
  • She is setting terms unilaterally and giving the guy a choice between accepting those terms or ending the relationship.
  • Ariel Sharon’s decision to withdraw unilaterally from the Gaza Strip has not, in my opinion, worked out well for the world.
  • “Ariel Sharon’s decision to withdraw unilaterally from the Gaza Strip has not, in my opinion, worked out well for the world”
  • government's expectations for cooperation on the part of the Vietnamese in unilaterally turning over both remains and records.
  • If members of that international community decide on their own to act unilaterally, is the Agency going to blockade their countries until they stop?
  • The deteriorating economy might tempt them, but the reality is that withdrawing the offer -- or imposing its terms unilaterally -- would run the risk of galvanizing a strike vote.
  • Though many who pursue the first project do not make this explicit, they are concerned with the moral justification of unilateral secession or the moral right to secede unilaterally, that is with secession that is undertaken without the consent of the state and without constitutional sanction.

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