
IPA: ʌnɪnfɫuʌnst


  • Not influenced.

Examples of "uninfluenced" in Sentences

  • Being mentally unstable is separate and distinct from whether someone is "uninfluenced."
  • Fig. 8 shows such a capillary, part in uninfluenced condition, part after it has been lightly scratched in the middle.
  • And if those in charge of allocating the scarce supply of organs were all-wise and uninfluenced by the level of contributions needy recipients have made to their hospitals 'capital drives.
  • My years serving football and Fifa lead me to think, and presume, that at the very least the ethics committee will give me the fair hearing that I deserve, uninfluenced by political agendas or other interests.
  • There is extreme divergence of opinion on this point, but I have found on the whole that engineers and others who have approached the subject with an open and "uninfluenced" mind, have come to substantially similar conclusions.
  • Hitherto the country voters had been the most independent; now the members of the urban proletariate were equally free, and from this time forth the voice of the city could find an expression uninfluenced by the smiles or frowns of wealthy patrons.
  • [M] y pamphlet was quite uninfluenced by the teacher, perhaps on this point, indeed, I showed all too great a scrupulosity; from my words one might have thought nobody had ever inquired into the case before, and I was the first to interrogate those who had seen or heard of the mole, the first to correlate the evidence, the first to draw conclusions.
  • Similarly, if inadmissible information, highly prejudicial to either the Government or the accused, has been brought to the attention of the court, and it appears to the convening authority that the members of the court cannot be reasonable expected to remain uninfluenced thereby, he may withdraw the case from that court and refer it to another court.
  • Specifically, ANY benefits granted retroactively (such as increasing a pension factor per-year-of-service from 2% to 3% but have it apply to PAST as well as future years of service), and benefits so excessive on their face (such as the 3% at age 50 for safety workers in California) that an independent/uninfluenced actuarial analysis would have concluded that they are unsustainable (using reasonable tax and investment return assumptions).

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