
IPA: jˈunɪtaɪz


  • To manage as a unit.
  • To convert, package, or organize into one or more units.

Examples of "unitize" in Sentences

  • The lease allowed Shell to pool or unitize its interests.
  • There is no presiding power to rule and subordinate the tumultuous and refractory elements of his character, and thus unitize the mental organism and its manifestations.
  • I admit my company sells stretch film and I suspect many may categorize it as a necessary evil because it is an excellent way to unitize and protect a load during shipment.
  • In addition, healthy growth for warehouse clubs and home center stores will bode well for demand for paperboard edge protection products, which are used by these establishments to unitize and stack pallets.
  • The more individuality and complexity have threatened to outreach the mental powers and become unmanageable, the more have order and organization shown their ability to subordinate and unitize the seeming diversity of elements.
  • I am pointing out that Iran does not need to sell ownership and control of its natural resources to multinationals when it can simply unitize and sell forward part of its production to investors, receiving interest-free finance in return.
  • We can also do this if we allow cattle to graze between plantings and fertilize that way – but this will require scaling back from current industrial processes that unitize production functions and instead to reintegrate, say, dairy and grain production.
  • One final note on slide 16 before I turn the presentation back over to John, here we present our diluted earnings per share calculation as reported and on a pro forma basis, so that you can visualize the impact of recent changes that were made to de-unitize the ownership of Calamos Holdings, LLC.

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