IPA: ʌnɫˈɛrn
- (transitive) To discard the knowledge of.
- (transitive) To break a habit.
Examples of "unlearn" in Sentences
- The thing I have to unlearn is to think constantly that I am hungry.
- Roethlisberger should undergo counseling to "unlearn" his abusive ways.
- On Unlearning Racism, Sexism or Classism: ... 'to unlearn' is not the opposite of 'to learn.'
- Bostwick said he has tried to instill in players that they can conquer - or "unlearn" - fear.
- According to Scott, Viral Marketing is the way to go, but we have to "unlearn" what we know as traditional marketers and embrace a new set of rules.
- Â According to Scott, Viral Marketing is the way to go, but we have to "unlearn" what we know as traditional marketers and embrace a new set of rules.
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