IPA: ʌnɫˈaɪfɫaɪk
- Not lifelike.
Examples of "unlifelike" in Sentences
- "No, Phyllie," he answered in a queer, unlifelike way.
- The whole exhibition is grubby, unlifelike and depressing.
- Fedder gently lowered the dog onto it and her head bobbed in an ugly, unlifelike way.
- He considered it “unlifelike,” ugly, and disturbing, and he discouraged Mother from hanging contemporary art in those areas of the house that he frequented.
- Before his time the frescoes, like the illuminations in the manuscripts of which we have spoken in a previous chapter, were exceedingly stiff and unlifelike.
- While, compared with later sculpture, they seem somewhat stiff and unlifelike, they harmonize wonderfully with the whole building, and the best of them are full of charm and dignity.
- It was a usual enough dream, wandering and unlifelike, not worth the telling; and I had been thinking so constantly of Mrs. Harman that there was nothing extraordinary in her worthless ex-husband's being part of it.
- Could one set the real person behind the frame and suddenly fix them for ever with one of those passing expressions on their faces, however natural it might have been at the moment, fixed for ever it is terrible, and most unlifelike.
- She also relieves her pent-up idealism in plays or books -- in high-wrought, "strong" novels, not in adventures in society such as the kitchen admires, but in stories with violent moral and emotional crises, whose characters, no matter how unlifelike, have "strong" thoughts, and make vital decisions; succeed or fail significantly.
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