
IPA: ʌnɫʌkeɪtɪd


  • That has not been located; the location of which is unknown.
  • Not surveyed, or designated by limits or boundaries, as appropriated to some individual or company.

Examples of "unlocated" in Sentences

  • Basketball Courts Parking Lot (undated and unlocated)
  • As of 7 p.m. July 9, Airman Doyle remained unlocated.
  • Apparently, the authentic published original remains unlocated.
  • In October 2008, the intelligence community concluded that Speicher is deceased, though his remains are unlocated.
  • In fact, Ho Chi Minh was a real name of an old Chinese man who was believed to be a beggar.with unlocated relatives.
  • Val was dimly conscious of some disturbing point outside his range of vision; as it might be, the unlocated centre of a cyclone.
  • In the case of the current encounter with stateless and unlocated guerrillas we call "terrorists", there is no such thing as a sanctuary.
  • Still just the suggestion that these unnamed, unquotable and unlocated military leaders are doing this without any evidence of this actually occurring ?
  • Probably all the companies were as greedy and deceitful as one another – E.ON, npower, British Gas, Scottish Power and Southern Electricity were probably as rootlessly unlocated and un-British as EDF.
  • With over 100 souls still on board HMS HUNTER was lost on the 10th April 1940 and has remained unlocated and undisturbed 305m under the icy waters of a Norwegian fjord until the Norwegian Minehunter HNOMS TYR found her this week.

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