IPA: ʌnmʌɫˈɑdɪk
- Not melodic.
Examples of "unmelodic" in Sentences
- Which has been my problem all night: unmelodic songs!
- To my ear, the chant was unmelodic, at once haunting and monotonous.
- She had an unmelodic name—Nina Goldblatt—and she was a professional dancer.
- Celine Dion was terrified of bears, but, to be fair, the bears were terrified of her horse-like face and unmelodic screeching, and so nothing came of the plan.
- The song is constructed by re- recording the rhymeless dialogue of Thatcher and Burke with singing, albeit unmelodic voices; the result is akin to an operetta.
- Hovering uncertainly between speaking and singing, the voice remains unmelodic, with wayward, part-improvised lyrics which are usually clearly audible despite slurred, irregular phrasing.
- His songs are both undramatic (most of them are cabaret-style specialty numbers that stop the action dead in the water) and unmelodic (the tunes are reminiscent of Mel Brooks on an off day).
- [Footnote 15: The step-and-a-half (augmented second) is "unmelodic" because it is the same size as a _minor third_ and the mind finds it difficult to take in as a _second_ (notes representing it being on adjacent staff-degrees) an interval of the same size as a third.] 1 whole 2 half 3 whole 4 whole 5 whole 6 whole 7 half 8 step step step step step step step
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