IPA: ʌnmˈɛnʃʌnʌbʌɫ
- Something not to be discussed in polite society.
- Too embarrassing or shocking to be discussed.
Examples of "unmentionable" in Sentences
- Ummm … yes – I’d have to say he was bit in unmentionable areas.
- However, I am irrationally obsessed with the idea of mosquito bites in unmentionable places.
- The War on Terror debate’s great unmentionable is this: We lack the technology to get from here to there.
- But I am done with counselling her, - her tendency towards the unmentionable is too strong for/me/to stay it.
- To not a few, and not all of them readers of a certain unmentionable newspaper in Chicago, the constitutional monarchy seemed an expensive anachronism.
- Englishmen will welcome the new American playright with the name unmentionable to ears polite, and will recognise in him, as _the_ Dam _par excellence_, their brother, as one of the uncommon descendants of A-DAM.
- So far as I have been able to determine since our return, I think that I came away from the experience with nearly 400 digital photos, 60 lbs of dirty laundry, innumerable mosquito bites in unmentionable places and the discomfiting realization that I am currently marching determinedly into the condition of being relentlessly boring and that that’s okay.