IPA: ʌnmˈɝsʌnɛri
- A saint who performed good deeds without accepting payment.
- Not mercenary.
Examples of "unmercenary" in Sentences
- "I suppose the advertising business is altruistic and unmercenary?"
- She dressed quietly; was absolutely unmercenary; her intelligence -- i.e., her intellectual calibre -- was not great.
- I _will_ hold on to the illusion of having found one unmercenary human being, even if she had to be buried in the depths of
- Amanda was only too manifestly pleased to think that she made peasant lovers discontented and hotel porters unmercenary; she let her light shine before men.
- And the sunshine of the warm April afternoon, heightened it may be by her determined unmercenary pose, betrayed too the faintest hint of shabbiness in her dress.
- Do bring, O unmercenary physicians, unto God your prayers that He may deliver us from temptations and many afflictions and from the terrible and awful eventual torture.
- There had been, in particular, an ill-favored dude, called Ver Plank, who had always been hanging around with his tandem and his millions, who had been sacrificed a dozen times by the unmercenary angel to his,
- From that Cooper Institute meeting Anna received almost one thousand dollars, an incredible amount for a simple speech to her unmercenary spirit, but one which was to be duplicated many times before her career was over.
- I am also of opinion that it is greatly to my credit, and a proof of my pure and unmercenary nature, that I did not instantly put myself up to be raffled for, or rush out into the streets and propose marriage to the first lady I met.
- I am also of the opinion that it is greatly to my credit, and a proof of my pure and unmercenary nature, that I did not instantly put myself up to be raffled for, or rush out into the streets and propose marriage to the first lady I met.