
IPA: ʌnmˈaɪndfʌɫ


  • Lacking awareness; oblivious.
  • Failing to remember, recognize, or pay attention to something; heedless of.

Examples of "unmindful" in Sentences

  • "unmindful" was printed as "unmindul" of gauging the quantity of water traveling along an important drain
  • He seemed to be furiously attacking a tissue with a pen, unmindful of the fresh cuts and bruises on his arm.
  • We dashed across the open spaces and down the slopes unmindful of possible snakes in the grass, until we reached the woods.
  • But so unmindful is she of her own interest, that she seems in part to have lost her very being, so forgetful is she of herself.
  • "The Court is not unmindful of the State's dilemma; it is caught between the proverbial rock and hard place," Maricopa County Superior Court Judge J.
  • And she had a smile in her eyes, and a laugh on her lips; and her temper was not hasty, nor was she unmindful that men give the law and women ever obey.
  • She kept the end in her hand as she turned to Alexander and wrapped it around him, unmindful of the white flames that licked her arms as she reached behind him.
  • With a desperation that was madness, unmindful of the pain, he hurried up the slope to the crest of the hill over which his comrade had disappeared — more grotesque and comical by far than that limping, jerking comrade.
  • According to the union, while it is not "unmindful" of GuySuCo's financial challenges, it has noted the lengthy list chronicling mismanagement by the Sugar Corporation, which GAWU submitted in its Memorandum to the Arbitration Panel.
  • The steady decline in our democratic culture, sinking to new levels of vulgarity, does unite neocons with traditional conservatives – though not with those libertarian conservatives who are conservative in economics but unmindful of the culture ...

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