IPA: ʌnmˈɑdɝeɪtɪd
- Not moderated; having no moderator
Examples of "unmoderated" in Sentences
- For good or for ill, (i say ill) this is an unmoderated comments section.
- Why wouldn’t he want to participate in unmoderated debates on substantive issues?
- For the most part, the trolls come here because the threads are unmoderated, and the commenters engage the trolls.
- Khaled El Balshy's case is the second incident where a blogger is pursued because of unmoderated comments on his blog.
- Another site, UK Welder, was forced to close down yesterday to all 'unmoderated' messages after it was hijacked by strike plotters.
- Casual readers could dip their toes with the free version, but habitual readers would pay a few cents to get a clean page with no pagination or ads, unmoderated comments, exclusive features, etc.
- How about this for a brief version: I'm aiming for something between a traditional "letters to the editor" section in a newspaper (extremely selective) and the the "anything goes" of unmoderated blogs.
- It's not unusual for people of the Twittersphere to say rude, racist, or misogynist things; like any other mostly unmoderated corner of the internet, users can spew what they want at whomever they please.
- Given that the collaborating ones then abandoned it and only one of them had the ability to administer it, it just languishes, receiving the occasional bizarre or meaningless comment (I still get the comment notifications) which goes unmoderated.
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