
IPA: ʌnmɑdʌfaɪʌbʌɫ


  • Incapable of being modified; immune to modification.

Examples of "unmodifiable" in Sentences

  • But it implied the essential acceptance of an unmodifiable order.
  • But these cries and vocal utterances are limited, and comparatively unmodifiable.
  • The law of God, as contained in Divine revelation, is alone unchangeable, unmodifiable.
  • Maturity, in so far as it is mere growth independent of training, is also largely a fixed and unmodifiable condition.
  • It's also worth remembering that this "unmodifiable" pro-capitalist human nature, far from being inherent in the human character, defies the historical record.
  • While James was trying unsuccessfully to feel at home in Paris in 1872 they became friends, even though Lowell, for all his learning and versatility, was an unmodifiable Cambridge owl.
  • Thus industry and conscientiousness and public spirit, which are clearly affected by environment, show no greater resemblance than such practically unmodifiable traits as memory, original sensitiveness to colors, sounds, and distances.
  • By your logic, the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 was UnArticles-of-Confederational and George Washington should have arrested and exiled Franklin, Madison and the lot of them for treason in seeking to modify a document that declares itself unmodifiable.
  • My preferred model for health insurance is that premiums should be increased when persons have modifiable risk factors (such as tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, or untreated hypertension) but not for unmodifiable risks (such as family history of heart disease or genetic propensity for tumors).
  • For the undefined, ever-changing, protean essence, or soul, of a thing which the alchemists thought of as hidden by wrappings of properties, the exact investigations of Lavoisier, and those of others who worked on the same lines as he, substituted this definite, fixed, unmodifiable property of mass.

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