
IPA: ʌnmjˈuzɪkʌɫ


  • Not musical: lacking in musical ability.
  • Not musical: unmelodic.

Examples of "unmusical" in Sentences

  • QUOTATION: A name unmusical to the Volscians’ ears,
  • I'm not a very good singer and I am not completely "unmusical," but I am close.
  • The contrast within the Scripture of the musical and the unmusical is a very marked one.
  • Dismissing what you don't like as being somehow bad for music or "unmusical" whatever the hell that means is unbelievably petty and pointless.
  • In a spontaneous competition for music directors present at the awards, Javed Akhtar gave them an 'unmusical' verse to compose on IPL and the general elections.
  • Anything that can allow those that feel "unmusical" to create interesting new sounds and pieces is a good thing-I've seen far too many students balk at the keyboard or other traditional instruments, since they
  • It owes its origin to a bygone custom of the town, of serenading widows on the evening of their second marriage, with drums, trumpets, kettles, and every kind of unmusical instrument that could be pressed into the service of the uproarious ceremony.
  • The gradations, too, are here quite as great as in mathematics or pictorial art, and the special faculty of the great musical composer must be reckoned many hundreds or perhaps thousands of times greater than that of the ordinary "unmusical" person above referred to.
  • Indeed, there was no dancing in the early part of the evening; it was rather a musical company, and Betty's favourite amusement was often interrupted; for the music was too good, and the people present too well-bred, to allow of that jumble of sounds musical and unmusical which is so distressing, and alas! not so rare.

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