IPA: ʌnmˈaɪɪɫɪneɪtɪd
- Not myelinated.
Examples of "unmyelinated" in Sentences
- In relatively primitive organisms like clams, all nerves are unmyelinated.
- The researchers found that the fibres, called unmyelinated low-threshold mechanoreceptors
- Those sensations are coming via unmyelinated nerves, and give you some idea of the level of sensation in an embryo.
- In humans, some nerves remain unmyelinated, and those holdovers from early evolutionary time can't be anesthetised.
- These unmyelinated, specialized nerve fibers, called C-tactile fibers, each cover about one square centimeter of skin.
- These constricted unmyelinated regions are called nodes of Ran-vier (rahn-vee-ay), after the French histologist Louis Antoine
- But there is a second slow-conducting nerve network of unmyelinated fibres, called C-tactile (CT), the role of which was unknown.
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