
IPA: ʌnnˈeɪbɝɫinʌs


  • The quality of being unneighborly.

Examples of "unneighborliness" in Sentences

  • That would be unneighborly, and to this fella, unneighborliness is downright unAmerican.
  • Nor did it make his defeat any more palatable to Cass that he had brought it on himself by his bad-tempered unneighborliness and by his overreaching disposition.
  • Traditional neighborhood design, also known as new urbanism, has grown in popularity as home buyers grew weary of killer commutes, gas-hogging shopping trips and bar-the-door unneighborliness.
  • There's an occasional upset, but for the most part, the treatment plant under construction, with the odor measures in place, are counteracting the nuisance and the unneighborliness that we had in the past, given the Greenpoint community.
  • Her mother, as has been said, sometimes went across the bottom, and now and then took with her a hare or a bird or a string of fish -- on condition from Vashti that it should not be known she had caught them; but Vashti never went, and Mrs. Mills found herself sometimes put to it to explain to others her unneighborliness.
  • I say “likely” rather than “certainly” because one can imagine unneighborliness on the other guy’s part that might be adequate to justify such a response, or for that matter cheerful acceptance of the sign by the other guy as part of the neighbors’ continued good-humored debate on the subject; but that’s all highly hypothetical since, as I said, I doubt that there was actually such a real sign.

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